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Marni's World


United States

September 30, 2009


October has been my favorite month ever since I was a little girl. Back then, it was for the selfish reason that it's my birth month.  Now, as an adult, I have come to love October because, in honor of Halloween, October equals scary movie month.

I don't know what it is about scary movies but I LOVE THEM!!!!!!!! I can't get enough. I often wonder if there is something wrong with me. I mean why do I like horror films so much?  I am not a violent person. The sight of blood makes me queasy. So why is it when it is on the big screen, it is all OK and even appealing? I don't have an answer but I do have some favorite horror films. So if you, like me, have an inkling towards the macabre, here are five films I'd recommend viewing.

1.  The Shining -  This movie never ceases to be scary. It is a classic Stanley Kubrick film based on the novel by Stephen King. It stars Jack Nicholson and he has never been better or scarier. If you take away one thing and one thing only from this film it's, REDRUM!

2.  The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (Original version) - The remake was terrible so if you have never seen the original 70's film, you must.  Texas has always seemed a little scary and this film confirms it.  Now whenever I hear a chainsaw fire up, I bolt!

3.  Ils (Them) - This is a French-Romanian horror film that blew me away when I first saw it. It is based on actual events (which always makes things scarier) and is 77 minutes of pure fear. I watched the entire film through a slit in my fingers with my hands across my face in a fetal position. No Joke!!!!!

4.  The Descent - Spelunking has always terrified me but this film assured me that I will never go crawling around in caves. My God, women can be so cruel, especially when they don't know who or what is watching them!!!!

5.  Halloween - Again, the original Halloween, not the remake. I haven't seen the Rob Zombie version but I always believe you shouldn't mess with a good thing and believe me; the original is a good thing. Jamie Lee Curtis stars in this film and she is brilliant as the sister of the crazed killer who enacts revenge on her.  Watch it this month in honor of Halloween if you dare!!!

05:04 PM Oct 31 2009


I must say, I am a horror movie person, I mean I am really crazy about it. Whenever I see something like that, i get excited and scared, feeling kind of mixed, and I love it, like last time, i was watching The Final Destination IV, btw, The Final Destination is my favorite series of movie, I love it to death. And I have never celebrated for Halloween before and I have no idea what it is like. Well, I am in China, and I don't think it is as pop as it is in the Western World, it is not very common in China to celebrate it. Whatever, I love scary movies, and that's all that matters!

07:58 AM Oct 28 2009


I hate scary movie..i can't see even one seen... once i saw very  mild scary movie & i couldn't sleep for one week...whoever see these kind of movie i would say they have dare to see  them.i wish i wish i could have that much dare

06:33 AM Oct 28 2009

quick to pardon

great thanks a lot

11:06 PM Oct 27 2009

Li Lei

u`re very brave

05:27 PM Oct 27 2009

dj Wokafxurv

i like scary movi alot cuz,on halloween days there are alot of parties here in brazil and i like it alot it do part of mah life...thxx

05:34 AM Oct 27 2009

Angel Feeling
United Arab Emirates

Thanks i will watch it all because i love scary movie to.

11:00 PM Oct 26 2009


I am afrid I can't……

06:44 PM Oct 26 2009

Homeboy Jin

This is so exciting.But the problem is that I'm a timid boy,hehe.I really want but dare not to see them.Cry

06:03 PM Oct 26 2009


i know little about halloween,please intruduce more.thanks!

08:53 AM Oct 26 2009



August 18, 2009

When we get together to discuss topics for English lessons, it seems that lately I am constantly bringing up celebrities who've passed away as potential topics. There have been a lot of celebrity deaths this summer, but one that has me particularly saddened is the passing of filmmaker John Hughes. We did not do a lesson on John Hughes because our main man Jason, said, "Who's that?" If you, like Jason, have no idea who John Hughes is, then I suggest you run to your local video store, netflix cue, or whatever means you use to watch movies these days, and watch one of his films. 

John Hughes defined what it meant to be a teenager in the '80s. Most of his films were stories about American teenagers sifting through the emotional filth of being a teenager. Some of his classics are Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Pretty in Pink, and Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

If you haven't seen any of these films, then I might suggest starting with The Breakfast Club. The Breakfast Club is a classic because of its central message. The film is about five teenagers serving a Saturday detention. Each character is the embodiment of a certain high school stereotype.  You have the popular girl, the jock, the nerd, the weirdo girl, and the burnout or "criminal" as he is referred to in the film. Throughout the movie these five teens realize they have more in common than they thought and they come to rely on each in ways they never imagined. I think that this film stands the test of time, even though it was made in 1985, because teenagers today still grapple with the same issues of fitting in and feeling like outcasts.  

John Hughes was a film maker who made being a teen more manageable for those of us growing up in the '80s and '90s.  His style is unlike any teen movie or shows being made today.  He will be missed but his legacy will live on in his films.

12:25 PM Oct 05 2009


good to watch,because i have already watched!

07:20 AM Aug 26 2009



  i didn't know John Hughes before i read this article . i am proud of him. i will  see his movies  when i have free time later .

07:16 PM Aug 25 2009



06:19 PM Aug 24 2009


Hey Marni!! I do know who John Hughes was and I am also a big fan of his movies. Here in Brazil, everybody who is now past 25 years old, grew up watching the '80s classics on TV. One of my best childhood memories is my and my sister lip-syncing to The Beatles' "Twist and Shout" pretending we were in that parade with Frerris Bueller. I've seen all the movies you mentioned many many times, and I think they're worth all the credit!!Smile

July 16, 2009

Ah, my morning ritual...peel a banana, peel an orange, and maybe add some fresh berries to my cereal. When it comes time to clean up, where does a conscientious gal put her food scraps? Why, in the compost bin of course.

I have been composting for at least 8 years. It is a no-brainer for me, meaning it is so easy it is like breathing, but many people still throw their food waste into the garbage creating more waste, and more methane gas in landfills. Composting is one of the best things you can do to cut down on waste and it has the added benefit of providing soil for the plants and the vegetables I grow in my garden.

Here on the west coast of the United States many businesses are starting to look into composting to reduce waste. In my city, Portland, Oregon, I have the pleasure of working for some companies that do just that. But San Francisco just made it a law to compost to reduce waste! I know that this is already the case in many European countries and perhaps our better-educated members can let me know some other countries that have the infrastructure in place to collect composting as well.

I hope to see this composting trend increase as we look to see what ways we as humans can cut down on our waste output. It is a very easy and effective way to recycle. There are many ways to do it, so figure out what works best for you and start composting today!

05:09 AM Aug 24 2009


  Hi ,I am a Chinese girl. After reading your blog, I think it verry necessary for us to join  this action.Wasting has already been a serious problem.

04:39 PM Aug 13 2009


Hi everybody, I'm an agronomy engineering student and it's very important for us to get compost by recycling our natural trash like the fruit's skins. In both cases we got a very very good result in the case of the cities we produce less waste and for us "the agronomist" we got the best fertilizer for the plants. Everybody must take in account this advice, it's useful in these times it's better make something for our planet.  

08:06 AM Aug 13 2009



07:35 PM Jul 20 2009



We are still not in Australia. What a pity!

01:48 AM Jul 20 2009


United Kingdom

Hey, Marni! this is kaka, a guy from New Orleans, i'm in China right now, interesting is i found so many students there are learning from this site. Have you guys ever considered about make it big?