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English Talk

3 questions and 1 suggestion



Hi englishbaby:
here are the questions i want to ask:

1) what’s “dum dee dum”? is this common and how do you use it?

2) generally speaking, do Americans eat eels? do you think eels are the symbol of evil things?

3) if you pay someone to get a fake ID, and you don’t use it to do anything illegal, will you be sued? another question is: if you use that fake ID to sit a test for someone else and get paid, will you be sued? what’s the term for that crime?

Thank you for answering my questions.

and i have a suggestion here: maybe people would like the idea of opening a column/board or something like that, where they could get some information about some of the cultural/lawful things in USA. I think this is very important for those who don’t know US very much and will live there. if they don’t know the “rules” in US, they could be in big trouble by doing something they think common or natural but uncommon or not natural(or even illegal) at all in US.

what do you say?

02:06 AM Jul 03 2002 |

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johnSuper Member!

United States

Hi Eileen!

1. “Dum dee dum” is an expression that people use to show that they are bored, or waiting for something. It’s fairly common. For example, if you are telling someone how you were waiting for your friend to arrive you could say, “I was waiting for Heather, dum de dum, and she finally showed up.” This is a little difficult to use and sound natural.

2. Americans don’t eat very much eel, but I don’t know of any symbolic reason for it.

3. First of all, you can only be “sued” by another person, not the police. For this reason, you will not get sued for using a fake ID.

However, you will get in trouble with the law. I’m not sure what the penalty is, but it is severe. Many college kids use fake ID’s to get into bars when they are under 21. But when they’re caught, it’s not a fun situation.

Thanks for your suggestion. I can see a board with American law and rules helping people. Do you have any suggestions for what we could have on it?



11:33 PM Jul 03 2002 |