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Marni's World


United States

November 2, 2011

The Occupy Wall Street protest movement is upon us as Portland, Oregon, joined the ranks several weeks ago with other cities across the United States. The movement is designed as a protest against the unfair distribution of wealth in this country. When I first heard about the protests in New York, I was excited and supportive. I felt like finally people were outraged enough to say something about the financial crisis and its impact on our economy and our lives. Now that the movement is several months old and seemingly growing, I can’t help but question what effect it is having in changing the status quo.

In Portland, there has been a fairly positive response to the protests. The camp that has been set up downtown seems to be organized and civil with a few arrests here and there but nothing major thus far. The camp seems to have spawned a communal sense of living and acting. I personally haven’t been through the camp (walking by doesn’t count). As I am writing this, I am wondering, “Why haven’t I been through the camp?” “Why haven’t I taken part in the protests?” I am frustrated and angry at how things are in this country and I want my voice to be heard. There have been so many examples lately of countries protesting and sparking real change that I wonder why I am so reticent to join in the “Occupy” movement. Perhaps it is uncertainty or the fact that I am so busy juggling several jobs, but I want to be involved in some way and yet cannot bring myself to participate.

I spoke with a friend recently on this very issue, a desire to act and yet not acting. We tried to understand why we hadn’t done anything ourselves to take part in the protests. Maybe it is because we are scared or uncertain or too caught up in our lives, but we agreed that there seems to be something holding us back. I am not sure what it is, but the old saying, nothing ventured, nothing gained, could not be more appropriate for this situation. 

Perhaps getting out of my comfort zone and seeing what is happening for myself will inspire me to respond to my frustrations in a new and focused way. Perhaps it will simply reinforce my skepticism. I know that I want change and it seems like the time to act is now.

04:06 AM Dec 04 2011

tanyach1Super Member!

Marni, 99% of the people in the world don't like U.S. Do You think we should occupy U.S.? 99% of the people in the world don't know to play violin.Should we ban those do know? 






02:41 AM Nov 23 2011


Hi Marni, very nice comments you've done about the protest. i wasn't aware about it...

don't be frustrated, just be happy that people is open up their mind and deciding to act in a fair cause.

However i agree with "The Last Joke - user" before thinking in change the world, we need change ourselves.

Then, just do your part on it!


12:29 PM Nov 05 2011



Baset , i believe you , you are  sooooo right !!

Marni ,thank you , soooo nice blog ! 

11:04 AM Nov 05 2011

The Last Joke

Joy :

Because :

1- I'm greatful with Allah(God) with what I already have .

2-  My spirit needs places where nature has not been changed by the hand of man.

10:12 AM Nov 05 2011



Baset : may i ask you :

why you don't think to change the world ?

09:04 AM Nov 05 2011

The Last Joke

Dear teacher :

Most of us view the world live from a perspective of " I don't have enough to be greatful or happy , so I need more "  . Then we think to change the world for the better !
I have a simple philosophy:
The first thing that has to be changed before we can truly change the world for the better is :Ourselves
Once we decide we are greatful or  happy with what we already have , an entire New World will open up to us , instead of wanting more we'll want to give more
So , i think there is no need to think to change the world !

My philosophy is saying :

Yesterday is a cancelled check;  Tomorrow is a promissory note;  Today is the only cash you have, so spend it wisely !!

Dear teacher :

Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true !!

03:51 AM Nov 05 2011

Marshall Islands

"I can't afford my own politician, so I made this sign"

It was the most striking slogan I've seen among protesters. Counter views emphasize individual responsibility, that is to say poor living conditions is the direct consequence of the wrong-doings of the masses. They just didn't make true investments in their lives, they are not willing to work and now those hippies want the government to take care of their lives. Let's grant that entrepreneurial claim some truth. Corporates still require a population with a purchasing power (enough to buy ipods) in order to sustain prevailing mode of production. Staunch proponents of individual entrepreneurship of life must understand the fact that sustainability of the free market is heavily dependent on demand, which prerequisites government intervention to guarantee a basic standard of life.   

September 26, 2011

Recently, I have had to comfort a friend who is experiencing the worst kind of heartbreak. Having one’s heart broken is the worst pain. Those of us that have gone through it know it can take ages to recover from having your heart broken. While my attention has been focused on my friend and comforting her, I can’t help but think about the man who has broken her heart. He is also a friend, and now I find myself asking, “How do you forgive the unforgiveable?”

When someone does something so hideous, so awful and you have previously given them the benefit of the doubt and they repeatedly mess up, how do you keep giving them allowances? Is it possible that it is as simple as the passage of time, or are there some things that are just unforgiveable? 

Now I know that there are some huge underlying issues that are not being addressed here and for that I want to be understanding, but when your actions destroy those around you that love you most, I just have a hard time being compassionate.  I know people make mistakes and need guidance but how many times can you keep making the same mistakes and not take some serious stock in your life?

I am being intentionally vague about the specifics because these are real people who deserve their privacy. I will say that the situation is very disturbing and screams for the need for real, professional help. 

It would be easy to just hate this person and wish him harm, but that is not me. I am understanding and I am very forgiving. That is why I am so conflicted and broken up about this: it just doesn’t make any sense to me. I want to magically make things better for my friend and take all of her pain away, but that is impossible. I just hope that for the sake of everyone involved, clarity is reached and that the healing can begin sooner rather than later.

10:36 AM Oct 14 2011

The Last Joke

Joy :

It is a part of our being human to make mistakes. Sometime we make mistakes without deliberation and intention. But sometime we knowingly and deliberately sin and do wrong to others.

 My philosophy is saying :  to err is human and to forgive is divine.

 This part of  statement are very true . However  as human beings we are responsible, but we do also make mistakes and we are constantly in need of forgiveness.

Forgiveness is the oil of relationships.

 I mean :

relationships will move with forgiveness !

Joy : Just look outside ….it's so pleasant sun is smiling for you , tress are dancing for you , birds are singing for you ! Because , I requested them all to do that for YOU !

09:27 AM Oct 14 2011




It's so hard to forget the person who has broken our heart but we must forgive him !

There are people who take the heart out of you and other who put it back it !

Baset :

If you haven't forgiven yourself , how can you forgive others?

10:53 AM Oct 11 2011

The Last Joke

Dear teacher :

We are only humans so inevitably we will make mistakes  from time to time. Often, we tend to despair when we commit mistakes .

Anyway :

The one who has done the mistake , he  must ask others for forgiveness with these conditions:

. To discontinue the mistake.

. To regret over its occurrence.

. To determine never to go back to that mistake again.

. To give back the right to whom it is due if the mistake involves someone who is very beautiful !


Dear teacher :

Forgiveness is better than revenge, for forgiveness is the sign of a gentle nature, but revenge is the sign of a savage nature.

Dear teacher :

Thanks a million for your great blog & have a nice day !

July 19, 2011

This weekend I went to my one and only wedding of the summer. It was a beautiful wedding and it felt like a very real and personal celebration of these two people and the life that they are creating together. I had a blast and was genuinely happy to be a part of their celebration the entire day.

In addition to teaching, I have worked on and off as a caterer for many years and as a caterer, I have worked my fair share of weddings. Every time I cater a wedding, I am always struck by how horribly formulaic and impersonal weddings tend to feel. You hear the same songs, the same speeches; you see the same dresses, etc. The sad thing is I know that people spent a fortune on what is supposed to be their special day and as an outside observer it is anything but special. Now I guess perhaps I refute my point right there. I am an outside observer and I don’t know the people. As someone who has seen many weddings though, it is as if everyone bought a Wedding for Dummies manual and followed it to the letter.

Do I sound bitter? I’m really not but I am perplexed at why people spend so much money on weddings when the divorce rates are so high in the US! I have heard stories of brides who are offered large sums of money that they can either spend on their wedding or on a down payment for a house and they always choose the wedding. Why? A wedding is one day, one day of your life, but a house, a home is forever. 

Have I always been such a pragmatist? No. I am speaking from experience.  The truth is I was married once and I had a very beautiful and very expensive wedding. It was a great day and it felt personal and meaningful and the marriage lasted… two years. So I guess my point is…

1. Make sure you really want to marry the person you are marrying. 

2. If you do want to marry that person, make the wedding meaningful. Think about what is important to you and make sure your wedding reflects you, not the desires of others.

3. Don’t spend a fortune. Remember, it is one day of your life! And if offered large sums of money to use on either a wedding or a down payment for a house… just remember the Vegas motto. "The house always wins!"

04:04 PM Jul 26 2011



Baset 0_0 i'll do !! THANKS

03:58 PM Jul 26 2011

The Last Joke

it's a amazing blog !

I love everything that comes  ( package) (your package ).

Hey Joy :

Let me tell you something :

Spend the last few minutes before the wedding starts with your bridesmaids.

Do some deep breathing if you're nervous, and think about how long you have

been awaiting this precious day..

03:15 PM Jul 26 2011



WOW )_( it's sooooo nice advices )_( thank you so much !!!!

11:45 PM Jul 25 2011



I totally agree with you! People dont tend to make a long-term planification when getting married. In fact, neither have I done such a deep thinking of that issue. Thanks for sharing this point of view based on your experience, I might take it into consideration some day. I love the way you redact your posts, it helps me a lot! thanks         

P.S. I hope somebody could help me understand the part Marni says 'I've worked ON and OFF as a caterer'. I guess she is making emphasis of sth. Dunno what.

04:20 AM Jul 20 2011



Hi Marni

i'm from Belarus. Ihave been married for 11 years already. My parents offered us money on the wedding or what ever. We bought a flat and didn't have a celebration. I thought then it was reasoable. I even didn't buy a wedding dress, just wore one of my smart dresses. Now I think if we hadn't bought a flat we would have had to live with our parents (mine or his) and  our marriadge would have been destroyed by now. though sometimes I feel wedding is important, First u keep up the traditions, then, u show everybody that your love and your ententions are true, u promise t take care of the persn u r merring in front of the public (not alone in bed). And I sometimes feel embarrassed when my friends ask me to show my wedding photos... 

So I'm for weddings, but u should remember that "house always wins"
